Staff Recognition Awards

The College's Staff Recognition Program is a way to honor and appreciate both teaching and non-teaching staff for their dedication and hard work. Awards are given to those who excel in various areas, such as teaching, leadership, innovation, and teamwork. Every member of the college community, regardless of their role, has the opportunity to be recognized for their contributions. The program goes beyond just giving out awards once a year; it includes regular praise and acknowledgment to keep everyone motivated and appreciated. This initiative not only boosts morale but also encourages staff to continue striving for excellence. By recognizing the efforts of both teaching and non-teaching staff, the college fosters a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and empowered to contribute to the institution's success.

Best Teacher Award

Dr. Harshit Dalvi, Professor and Head of the Department, Electrical Engineering.

Best Non Teaching Staff Award

Mr. Sachin Kakde, Clark, Student Section

Best Co-Curricular Activity of the year Award

Dr. Prathik Kulkarni, Civil Engineering.  

Best Extra-Curricular /Extention Activity of the year Award

Mr. Vikas Ravekar, Civil Engineering.

Multifaceted Teacher of the Year Award

Mr. Abhishek Kinhekar, Computer Engineering.

Best Institute level Portfolio Coordinator Award

Mr. Sandesh Jain Computer Engineering.

Best Research Work Award

Mr. Suraj Vairagade, Mechanical Engineering.

Best Work Done by Non Teaching Staff for Institute Development Award

Mr. Vinod Asai, Computer Engineering

Best Department Award

Department of Electrical Engineering.

All Awardees

Team BIT

Best Teacher Award

Mr. Sandesh Jain, Computer Engineering.  

Best Non Teaching Staff Award

Mr. Praful Ingole, Clark, Administration Section

Best Co-Curricular Activity of the year Award

Dr. L. N. Rao, Electrical Engineering.  

Best Extra-Curricular Activity of the year Award

Dr. Harshad Phadke, Civil Engineering.

Best Extention Activity of the year Award

Dr. Vivek Bhusari, HOD First Year.

Multifaceted Teacher of the Year Award

Mr. Santosh Kumar, Mechanical Engineering.

Best Lab Assistant Year Award

Mr. Mangesh Manmadkar, Mechanical Engineering.

Best Research Work Award

Dr. Vikas Gohil, Mechanical Engineering.

Best Department Award

Department of Computer Engineering.

All Awardees

Team BIT

Award for 2021-22